2010년 10월 29일 금요일

Tree? Desk? Tree+Desk? What about it?

Hey, all J
I’m kind of testing my creativity this time. I know that I’m not really good at these things, but I just want to make a try. I’ve sent messages to my friends to give me an unanimated random word and got TREE and DESK. What could I come up with these two words? Just for fun, have a look what I’ve done!

First word: TREE

Forest, life, green, flower, squirrel, nature, environment, wood, landscape, bird, drama, root, apple, coconut, scent, fresh, shade, picnic, life, relaxation, whistle, book, rest, mat, grass, branches, hill, road, hole, snow, 5th grade, wind, seasons, “The Giving Tree”, paper, amazons, air, cabin, house, park, leaves, yellow, maple, bench, streetlamp, acorn

What a coincidence! I can’t really explain why I feel like it, but from one day I thought I had a deep relationship with trees. Maybe it’s because of a soap opera titled “Fall Story” that I liked so much. 10 years has passed since that drama was on air, but I still remember a line that the main character said.
“I will be a tree in my next life.
A tree that doesn’t ever move again once it has been implanted.
So I will never be apart from anyone.”
Altering this line a little, I promised to my classmates that I’ll be a person like a tree that always is next to them. Thanks to it, I was chosen by the classroom president for 2 years in a row (when I was in high school). From then, I just feel tree as a close object to me and actually I do like trees a lot. Streets that are bunch of trees make me to pick up a camera. Colorful trees allow me to think my life as a cool thing and that’s why I like Austin much. J

Second word: DESK

Studying, computer, stuff, messy, drawers, school, pens, chair, basket, materials, organized, clock, pictures, notebook, lamp, office, antique, pencil, board, post-it, whiteout, radio, bookshelf, mirror, calendar   

Most of the time, I use my desk. Especially, since I am living in a cooperative house there’s not much space to move around in my room. I just sit down by the desk all day long. So it is not too much to say that “my desk is my life space”. Everything needed for my studies and most of the things that I need during the day are on my desk including cosmetic products, glasses, laptop computer, and even a water bottle. Sometimes I use my desk as a dining table also. Therefore, a desk is a necessity to me rather than just furniture. 

Combination Ideas of the Two Objects: TREE+DESK

1. A desk made out of trees.
2. Tree printed desk.
3. A desk that is attached with a switch which changes the environment like under a tree. (Ex. cool breeze blowing, warm temperature like when the sun shines on a tree, etc.)
4. Hanging a desk up on the tree as building a house up on a tree.
5. Tree-shaped desk.
6. Decorating a tree with desk-shaped ornaments.
7. A small tree up on the desk as an air-fresher.
8. Putting a desk in the middle of the forest (bunch of trees).
9. Tree in a desk.
(Tree bores a hole in a desk. The trunk is at the bottom of the desk and leaves or branches are up on the desk.)
10. A desk inlaid with a tree.
11. Carving a desk-shaped drawing in a tree.

Viable Products or Services

Most of these combination ideas are actually existing and do not seem fresh at all. Some are just ridiculous that doesn’t make any sense or useless. However, one thing I’m really excited is about a ‘desk with a special switch’ which I wrote at #3. I like to study under a tree, and I believe that many people like it also. That’s why there are bunch of students sitting or lying on the grass under the trees in UT also. If there is a desk that can direct a similar atmosphere with around the trees and make one to feel as if he/she is really under a tree, we don’t have to go out to find a real tree. This idea can be produced to either a product or a service. A desk that is possible to control the shade, wind, or even the temperature could be a nice product. To think in other way, a café can provide services related to this idea. Such places can put a bunch of trees around desks and it would be hard for customers to tell if they are in indoor or outdoor. Some artificial elements, such as light substituting for sun or fan covering for wind, would be needed, of course. I’m not sure what others would think, but at least I’ll be willing to buy those desks or go often to those cafes. That will definitely make my mind fresh and help me to study efficiently.  

댓글 1개:

  1. Definitely. A "desk with a special switch" would be a super earthy product. I recently came across a "forest bed" (google "forest canopy bed" and you will see what it looks like) and I think the concept of the bed is somewhat similar to your idea of "tree+desk". If you extended one of your keywords "tree" to "forest", you would have produced richer outcomes. That's just one tip of brainstorming - from micro to macro. Good work!
